When I was 5-6 years old, my dad brought me a Yamaha Keyboard as a gift for getting good grades in elementary school. Since I had no musicians on either side of my family, I taught myself to read music. It was about 2 years later that I watched my first symphony on TV. I knew immediately that I wanted to play the cello. We were in a town where there was no music in schools, no string teachers, and no one to guide me. We weren’t in a position where we could afford any of it anyway. At age 28, I finally had the job I needed to support my musical dream of becoming a cellist. I have worked many hours to make up for the years that I wasn’t able to play.
I am the Slot Analyst at Morongo Casino Resort and Spa. I work long hours and sometimes 6 days a week. My job shows support by allowing me to have a flexible schedule so that I can work during the day and perform at night.
It means everything to me. Most of my life I would only listen to Baroque music only as I learned to play cello. Slowly, I began to appreciate classical and romance period music.
A friend of mine invited me to play with VCO for the Schumann Piano Concerto at Broad Stage. I decided to give it a try and immediately fell in love with the group. The players in this group are very good and very friendly. Zain is amazing. I have no doubt that this orchestra will exceed expectation every year under his direction.
If you are blessed with the gift of being a musician, use that gift to help others. Sometimes you may never know how much you touched or helped someone in the audience of a concert hall using your sound and emotions. Play as much repertoire as you can.
Updated July 2019