At 5; we had the Casals recording of the Bach Suites at home and Suites 5 and 6 sealed the deal.
I’m a research director for a quantitative group at an asset manager, the Capital Group. I see it as completely complementary to music - Capital Group is incredibly committed to our LA community.
Chamber music has always been the thing I have gravitated to. I spent 10 years full time in a rock and roll band called the Del Fuegos, which was a (loud) quartet. There’s a magic to a smaller group making it happen, regardless of whether it’s a string quartet, a rock band, a jazz combo, or whatever ends up happening in your living room.
VCO is committed to making great music in a relatively small orchestra. The people, the repertoire, and the ability to work towards a sound in a great community - but, most of all it’s wicked fun.
Play. Whenever you can. Have fun with it, and don’t worry - music is one of those rare things that gets better every single day.
Updated September 2019